domingo, mayo 19, 2024

Oficial de seguridad dispara a un hombre cerca del tribunal federal de Filadelfia

La mañana de este martes 17 de enero, un hombre se estacionó su minivan blanca en un lugar prohibido de las inmediaciones de oficinas...

Shapiro to become 48th Pa. governor, stress bipartisan aims

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Democrat Josh Shapiro will become the 48th governor of Pennsylvania at Tuesday's inaugural ceremony at the state Capitol, taking the oath of office...

Shapiro takes oath of office to become 48th Pa. governor

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Democrat Josh Shapiro took the oath of office Tuesday to become the 48th governor of Pennsylvania, placing his hand on a stack...

Pa. speaker’s bipartisan group begins work on House rules

HARRISBURG, Pa. — The new speaker of the Pennsylvania House said Tuesday that the first meeting of a bipartisan work group he assembled...

Austin Davis juramentó como el primer vicegobernador negro de Pensilvania

HARRISBURG, Pensilvania. – La elección de Davis es histórica por múltiples razones. A la edad de 33 años, Davis es ahora el vicegobernador más...

A Healthy Community is a Strong Community

COVID-19 has caused lifestyles to be altered as society is functioning differently as a whole. It is evident that the resilience of community members...

Austin Davis sworn in as Pennsylvania’s first black Lieutenant Governor

HARRISBURG, PA. – The son of a union bus driver and hairdresser, a proud native of a steel town and a first-generation college graduate,...

El difícil camino de Isiah Pacheco hasta el Super Bowl

Todo es alegría, felicitaciones, llamadas, abrazos y fotografías en el hogar de Julio Pacheco y Felicia Canon, en Vineland, New Jersey. Las razones son...

Shapiro Administration Announces Increase to Base Payment Rates for Child Care Providers Participating in...

Harrisburg, PA – The Shapiro Administration today announced an upcoming increase to base rates paid to child care providers participating in Pennsylvania’s Child Care...

Vaccine Champions in the Hunting Park Business Corridor

Three business owners in Hunting Park are vaccine champions. Ms. Kim from Kim’s Market, Ms. Ivelissa from El Fogon Latino Restaurant, and Mr. Felix...