Coworkers and community members at a holiday gathering (Parranda) hosted by Esperanza in 20222. (Photo: Esperanza Staff)

The holiday season brings joy and festivities for friends and families, but it is essential to be mindful of potential health risks related to close contact with others. This is especially true for flu, COVID-19, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), and other infections that easily spread from person to person. Here is how you can prioritize your health (and the health of your loved ones) during this season.

1. Follow National health guidelines: Stay informed about the latest health guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention related to COVID-19. Adhere to recommendations from health authorities to reduce the risk of infection. 

 2. Maintain good hand hygiene: Regular handwashing with soap and water remains one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of infections. Use hand sanitizer when soap is unavailable.

3. Practice social distancing: Maintain a safe distance from others, especially if someone feels unwell or sick.

4. Wear masks: If you are in crowded or indoor settings, wearing a mask is an additional layer of protection for yourself and others. Please make sure your mask covers your nose and mouth properly.

5. Boost your natural immunity: Strengthen your immune system with a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Include fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your meals, and choose healthy snacks when you can.

6. Stay active: Regular exercise, including a robust immune system, supports overall health. Find ways to stay active, indoors or outdoors, while adhering to safety guidelines.

7. Get adequate sleep: Prioritize sufficient sleep each night, as it is crucial to your body’s ability to fight illness or recover from infections.  It is recommended that you need at least 7- 8 hours of quality sleep each night. 

 8. Stay up to date with your vaccines: Get vaccinated against the flu and COVID-19. Flu season coincides with the holidays; vaccination can significantly reduce the risk of flu-related illnesses. Your doctor can recommend other vaccines that might be helpful for you as well, in addition to these.

9. Isolate yourself if sick: If you are feeling unwell or displaying symptoms of flu, COVID-19, the common cold, or other illnesses, isolate yourself from others to prevent the potential spread of your illness.

10. Consider virtual celebrations: Phone calls and video chats instead of in-person gatherings can help you stay healthy if you or others are at a higher risk of illness.

11. Hydration: Stay well-hydrated to support your body’s natural defense mechanisms. Water helps flush out toxins and maintains overall health.

12. Manage your stress: The holidays can be stressful with so much going on. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation to manage stress levels. Holiday stress can lead to sadness, depression, or anxiety, especially for those far from home who cannot travel to see their loved ones. Monitor your feelings and emotions, and speak with someone you trust, including your provider, if you need help. 

 Have a wonderful and healthy holiday! 

Lili Daliessio is the Community Information Manager at Esperanza Housing and Economic Development.


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