sábado, mayo 11, 2024

Cruce fronterizo milagroso en cuatro días 

Hace un par de semanas, nos encontramos con un desafío muy interesante. Mientras conducíamos de regreso de la clínica oftalmológica de Jaime Migueles en...

Demanding change from an echo chamber of white privilege

It’s been more than a month since Philadelphia held its municipal primary election where former Councilmember Cherelle Parker defeated a crowded field of candidates...

¿Hispanos, latinos, látinx?

Desde que llegamos a estas tierras hemos sido definidos o nombrados. A muchos eso no les crea ningún problema. A los nativo-americanos (taínos, incas,...

Las celebraciones de Pascua traen esperanza

Después de dos años de restricciones por el COVID y celebraciones navideñas canceladas, surge la esperanza para la temporada de primavera. Las familias están...

Who attacked our government and how will we find them?

After the attacks of 9-11, the mantra of the law enforcement became, “if you see something, say something”. It was targeted at Muslims and...

Pulso Dominicano

Reading, PA- Muchos son los temores que envuelven el desarrollo de estas elecciones extraordinarias presidenciales este 5 de julio, sobre todo motivado por el...

Aviva and the Virgin Mary

It must have been about 1988 when our young blond daughter Aviva had been chosen for the role of the Virgin Mary in the...

At age 11 I Was a Farmaworker

Our family was very poor in Las Animas Colorado, and we needed more income to feed our large family in 1956. My father a...

Turnout Can Save Our Democracy

This will historically be one of the most important midterm elections. And we all have the opportunity to raise our voices by voting and...

Philadelphia, Presente!

On Thursday, September 15th, the first day of Hispanic Heritage Month 2022, the Philadelphia Latinx community was celebrated in a beautiful way at the...