This is the second in a monthly series by Women Against Abuse that will share information about domestic violence, the local resources that are available, and how to be an advocate for healthy relationships in your family.

Living in an abusive relationship is difficult and dangerous, and people experiencing abuse often need a safe place to go, legal aid, and counseling. Here is a snapshot of the local resources that exist for people experiencing relationship abuse.

Congreso de Latinos Unidos

Congreso’s Latinx Domestic Violence Program (LDVP) provides virtual and onsite options and empowerment counseling and support groups to survivors and children who have witnessed domestic violence. Additionally, Bilingual Legal and Housing support is available to eligible participants of LDVP.   

Lutheran Settlement House

The Bilingual Domestic Violence Program provides free counseling for adults and children, support groups, medical advocacy at partner healthcare sites, safety planning for survivors in crisis, and community engagement to address the root causes for and responses to domestic violence.

Women Against Abuse

  • Emergency Shelter: Women Against Abuse operates two 100-bed emergency safe havensthat have confidential locations and 24-hour security. Residents stay for 60-90 days, and have access to case management, childcare, therapy, and 3 meals a day.
  • Transitional Housing: 15 apartment units for families at a confidential location with case management, children’s services, therapy, and economic empowerment programming.   
  • Legal services are available through the Women Against Abuse Legal Center. A team of more than 30 advocates and attorneys are experts in the field of Family Law, and can assist with getting protection from abuse orders, as well as child custody.    

Women In Transition

Women In Transition provides telephone and crisis counseling, peer support groups, individual empowerment counseling, client advocacy and referrals, and WAVE empowerment self-defense classes for people seeking to live free of domestic violence and substance abuse.

You can access these services by calling the Philadelphia Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-866-723-3014. Caring and highly trained counselors can help callers create a plan for staying safe, and they can connect callers to free local resources. Translation services are available through a third party to support calls in any language, and all calls are confidential. You can even call on behalf of a loved one or with a loved one. 

Want to learn more? Visit our website at, and join us next month for a look at domestic violence during the holidays.


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