Forsaking All I Trust Him

The Jersey Shore, NJ Photo: Gloria Maratta

Let Faith be Bigger Than Fear 

If “faith is the substance of things, hoped for,
the evidence of things unseen,”

with Jesus on the scene,
then, Lord, please lead!

By faith,
Noah moved to build the ark with Godly fear.
By faith,
Abraham obeyed & without delay agreed to sacrifice Isaac to our dear
By faith,
Sarah, being not so young,
bore Abraham a son.
By faith,
Moses renounced privilege so we may See him & the children of Israel

cross the Red Sea.
By faith,
Mary & Joseph believed the Angel of God that appeared from beyond the sun declaring she would conceive God’s only Begotten Son.

Let the giants of faith from the Bible be our guide
Our reminder
Encourage us
to always “look unto Jesus,
the Author and Finisher
of our
For from His heart to ours
Flows life & love.
“Of these three:
Faith, hope & love;
The greatest is love.”
Of all on earth and above,
The Greatest is Jesus.

In storms and in doubts
In the fear and through the tears

Jesus, He draws near
and I decide to:

In Matthew 14,
You walked on water

Jesus, Your way was in the sea
Waves crashing
Wind soaring
Lightning flashing
The depths trembled
The water saw You, oh Lord
The Twelve saw You too.
Sitting on that boat,
they cried out, “Ghost!”
Thinking they met their death, instead, they met
the Lord of Hosts.

The boat filled up with water
Their hearts filled up with fear
For Your footsteps were made unknown,
yet seeds of love were sown.

From afar
You exhorted to the Twelve,
“Be of good cheer!”
Next, You revealed,
“It is I. Do not fear.”

And to this day,
You delight
in that we might
let our faith be bigger than our fear
That our testimony
has us boldly share
to anyone
what is said in Hebrews 13
that “the Lord is my helper.
I will not fear.
What can man do to me?”

Jesus, You said that in this world
we will have pain,
but some is meant
to train our brain
to keep our faith
to trust in You
Watch how God does.
Let go, let God.

For Jesus,
it pleases
When we choose
faith in
over fear.
Fear is to the enemy
what faith is to our God.
The beginning of faith
is the end of anxiety.
Love & Faith. We need them most in our society.


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