jueves, abril 25, 2024

Análisis de las elecciones del 7 de noviembre rumbo al 2024

A menos de un año de las elecciones presidenciales, no cesan de publicarse encuestas en las que se mide la intención de voto del...

Voters choose court judges

On Tuesday, October 24, 2023, Pennsylvania for Modern Courts (PMC) held a virtual session with over four hundred attendees. The purpose was to hear...

La culpa es de la cultura

Un día más en la vida de la ciudad. Otra muerte que no debería haber ocurrido. Y nada parece cambiar. La policía mató a...

The fault is with the culture

Another day in the life of the city. Another death that should not have happened. And nothing seems to change. The police killed Eddie...

«Sobre vivienda», otra historia de opresores y oprimidos

Pensilvania es uno de los pocos estados que con el paso de los años logró borrar el rastro de la existencia de grupos nativo-americanos. La...

Weathering the Housing Crisis:

Philadelphians are experiencing a once-in-a-generation rise in the price of housing, and many are being displaced from their neighborhoods. This isn’t news to anyone...

The price of working in non-profits

Not long ago, at an event hosted by Taller Puertorriqueño, El Corazón Cultural del Barrio, I turned to my mother and asked, “Mami, what...

Don’t cry for me, Philadelphia

We did not need this shooter to tell us that we had a problem with gun violence in America and that we needed to...

Exigir un cambio desde la resonancia del privilegio blanco

Ha pasado más de un mes desde que Filadelfia celebró sus elecciones primarias municipales, en las que la exconcejala Cherelle Parker derrotó a un...

Demanding change from an echo chamber of white privilege

It’s been more than a month since Philadelphia held its municipal primary election where former Councilmember Cherelle Parker defeated a crowded field of candidates...