Increasing Love
How I love you, Lord Jesus
With time that love increases
For You
I hunger and thirst
I love because You loved first
You make life on earth bearable
Blessed Bliss
Blessed Bliss
You mean anyone can have this?
Ignorance is not bliss.
Knowing is bliss.
Knowing Who You are, Jesus.
We are blessed.
What is this blessed bliss?
It is… because...
The Woman at the Well
The woman at the well
Was not doing so well
Drawing water from Jacob’s well
Heat of the day
Nothing she could say
Nameless she was
She is all of...
Marvelous Mystery
Lord Jesus,
Your Word gives us a history
Of what a
Marvelous Mystery
You are
Authority over all
No matter how big or small
All things made through You
Without You nothing...
Ode to Bobby
Oh Bobby
your little heart gave way
And you were whisked away
On a beautiful May day
In my heart you will stay
The same heart that broke to...
The Begotten One
We have
Son of God
from the Father
that He not be
For the sake of
you and I
That none should perish
Whosoever knows Him
Rejoice and sing hymns
was not sent...
Recogiendo los pedazos: El Ministerio de Restauración
¡Al igual que los terremotos naturales, los terremotos morales no suceden simplemente! Ellos también están precedidos por fallas secretas, pequeñas grietas en el carácter...
Día de la Oración por Puerto Rico entre la devoción y la reflexión
En febrero de 2013 se inició en California “Semilla de Bienestar” con la ayuda y patrocinio de Esperanza. El jueves 10 de septiembre de...
Picking Up the Pieces: The Ministry of Restoration
Like natural earthquakes, moral earthquakes don’t just happen! They too, are preceded by secret faults, little cracks in character below the surface that eventually...
Latinos protestantes asisten a las iglesias con menor segregación étnica, dice un estudio
Las distintas iglesias en Estados Unidos muestran unos niveles muy altos de segregación racial "espontánea", pero dentro de los grupos étnicos, los que se...